Meet Francis René, our newest Nomadix ambassador. An avid outdoorsman, Francis spends his time exploring the world and promoting the protection of the planet. He shares his passions and experiences with us today.
A hiking enthusiast
Francis's favorite sport to practice is trail running, it’s his own way of getting rid of stress, getting in shape and challenging himself. “I really feel in my element when I run on the trail.”, nature calls him he mentions.
To Francis, every hike has something special, but he likes Gosford so much that he has been back several times.
Rex and Spy who follow Francis on all his adventures.
A passionate of the environmental cause
"Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but pictures." is his personal motto. From a very young age, he has always loved nature, he also has the habit of bringing a bag with him wherever he goes, to pick up trash and make our environment cleaner. Although at first, he did not showcase his implications, he now tries to lead by example,in hope that others will do their part to help our environment. He creates activities or challenges that encourage people to do good deeds. In fact he recently did a fishing challenge on his account where for each person that accomplished the challenge, Francis would fill a bag with trash.
His all-time favourite Nomadix items
Francis loves the Festive Blanket. He uses it for his workouts to rest and relax and likes how he could sit on it anywhere and still have space to stretch. He also always has the Mini Towel on him, no matter what activity he is doing.
Follow Francis René here